I'm going to be popular in

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Why you've to believe I'm popular?

You know what, I'm bored of everything else, and hence writing these bullshits. Anyway you have to believe me that I'm popular. If 5 people believe in my ultralogical popularity, I shall be a popular man then, though I think I am right now, which concludes the fact that till now my popularity is not up yet, but not down yet, which can include the fact of my unpowered awesomeness too and all these may end up in my huge popularity. You got it right?

Anyway who am I? You don't need to know, who am I! Just know that I'm popular, that's quite enough. I believe there are only few people who believes in self promotion like this, so you should make me popular thinking about that amzing uniqueness! Sounds awesome? Share this all over the social sites that there's a popular man like me who loves to self promote.

A Boy You can Think Popular Though He is Not!

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